A legit healing no BS (New York Deli style)
My new favorite eatery is the New York Deli in Redlands. I mean really legit food. If you love middle eastern food, I highly recommend the joint. Great Phillycheese steak. Seriously could eat there everyday. Really cheap.
A few weeks back I struck up a conversation with a young Syrian girl who works there. I noticed she had a nasty red look in her eyes. You know, that bloodshot look when you have pink eye. I asked her if I could pray for her. Awkward was the feelin I got from her, but she relented and allowed me to pray.
This past Saturday I was there in the evening, and one of the other servers told my wife that I prayed for this young girl. She told us that the next day the eye infection was gone! Marie is the server who was telling my wife and I that she thought it was a bunch of bull @#%% when she heard that I prayed for the young girl. Marie is part Turkish and part Greek, and was dropping the BS word right and left. She finally told me she had a horrible infection in her fingernail but didn’t believe all this healing BS. As I was leaving I asked her if I could pray for her finger. As I took her arm, I prayed as tears formed in her eyes. I asked Father to reveal His love through this as a sign of His love for her. Marie was speechless.
Can’t wait for this Tuesday and my chicken caesar wrap to see what Jesus has done in Marie.
Yes!! I love it. Mike I'm inspired by your faith.