Sunday, February 8, 2009

The First Trimester

Starting a new venture seemed a little crazy to my family and friends in uncertain economic times. Even one friend said to me "You've got to be crazy or you have really heard from God". Hopefully both was my response.

After traveling the world in 2008 I sensed God was leading me and my wife Kathy on a new venture which has now become LifeQuest. Along with a few other brave souls we launched out in December of 2008. We are now in our first trimester of a new birth of what we are calling a church planting movement.

Since I have never been pregnant for me to speak of birthing anything is probably an insult to most women who have. So I will not even at the risk of being somewhat knowledgeable even dare to whisper anything that would catch the ire of women across the globe who have endured 9 months of childbirth.

I recall every time my wife told me she was with child. I honestly felt as if I was thrown into the den of despair. My mind wandered to the how to's of life. How would we pay for this child? Working two jobs to make ends meet and then coming home to a wife who was so sick with morning sickness that it turned in to 3 months worth of all day sickness. I thought we must be crazy to do this 3 times in 6 years. But the byproduct of this struggle for us was what now has become 4 amazing children. Two grandchildren by the way my daughters Mary and Leah have between them 1 amazing new baby Baylee and our new grand daughter Emmy who is due in 2 months.

So here we are in the first trimester of LifeQuest. It has taken me back to those early days when Kathy was with child. Every emotion known to man from despair to excitement to fear to hope from anticipation to the what ifs. To the how are we going to do this? How are we going to pay for this? Some have ask why now?
Why at 50? Church planting is for young guys! You know people with energy! People who have been given alot of money and backing. So Mike are you crazy?

In this first trimester of Life Quest I have seen more life than maybe any of my other 30 years in church life combined. God's provision has overwhelmed us. The Spirit has empowered us. God has challenged me that this is a new day for the church. It is only those who are willing to risk that will see his power. Vision opens the door to the future. With all the zaniness of seeing God birth something new. I hope like never before. I see Christ as this wild missional messiah as Alan Hirsch puts it. Please follow along with us as we enter enter into Trimester number 2 real shortly. This ride is only for those who are willing to take risk.

Whole lot of shakin' goin on

Last night we had the launching of LifeQuest Lake Arrowhead. We truly had an amazing night of people interacting around Jesus, His word, prayer, heart to heart, tears, words of predictions and great worship.At one point in the meeting I (Mike Giordano) recalled many predictions concerning God moving in the Mountain communities of Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, and Running Springs Ca. I asked the 25 or so people to stand as we prayed together for a new movement of the Holy Spirit in that region. As we stood to pray we made a proclaimation about God moving and making good on his promises. The place we met begin to shake. Laughter erupted in the room. Now living in Southern California for 17 years rarely do you see Californians laughing when a earthquake happens. Typically it is run for your life. Truly it was an ACTS encounter. God moved powerfully the rest of the evening. There were shouts of joy believing we just experienced a sign and wonder.Those of you who know me know that I am not or aleast I think that I'm not a creepy crawler follower of Jesus. You know one of those who sees Angel faces in boxes of macorni, one of those God tells people about every red moon that the this is the beggining of the great tribulation.Simply put God sometimes confirms his word by signs and wonders. Hebrews 12 states "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, so the things that can't be shaken must remain. Since we have received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken Let us.................. Acts 4 after an intense arrest of Peter and John the apostles prayed for the continued move of God and to exalt the name of the precious one Jesus. It states the place the met shook. If I can be so blunt in the birthing process of God doing a new thing he can once more shake the heavens and the earth. When a simple band of believers met last night and prayed for God to fulfill his promise of a move of God and the place shook and we did not fear but rejoiced. A renewed sense of joy filled the hearts of God's people. Yes I believe as Joshua if God can make the sun still so he can continue to make a mockery of the enemies of God. Why can't God send an Earthquake as a sign and wonder? By the way know one was hurt and minimal damage was done. For those who think when God moves there are no aftershocks. However don't forget the book of ACTS in general. It tends to be messy.As the winds of changes blow across our world there is a new refreshing wind blowing in the church of Jesus. This is but the beginning of a new day of shaking. God is shaking the governmental, economic, social fabric of our society. This could be one of the finest hours of the church. When God shakes things we hold on to We discover the things that really become important to us. People are looking for real life. Those of us who follow him will we hold on and cling to the one who shakes all things?Peace he says in the midst of whole lot of shaking goin on.We are preparing for a move of God as this shaking will continue. When we hear move of God what does that mean? It sounds so creepy huh? Well maybe it means that we must become a mobile people again. People who move with God as he moves. A people who say Lord I will trust you in the unknown. Hebrews 11:8 talks of Abraham going out or moving not knowing where he was going. Letting go of all things such as debt, security, and safety these things we middle class americans tend to cling to.It's a new day.PeaceMG

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