Got Life? (Where Life Happens)
I seriously deplore milk! I mean seriously! I hate it with a passion, I can’t recall the last time that I have had a taste. I mean, think about it folks, drinking a beverage from a cow’s boob. It was meant for baby calves, for Pete’s sake. Do you remember all of those Got Milk? commercials? You know the ones with people and the milk mustaches? Regardless of how you feel about milk, one thing is for certain: the phrase Got Milk? stuck! Didn’t it?
Here comes a major curve ball. Did you ever notice how fragile life is? Seriously! In one week’s time, 3 people who I have had relational contact with over the last few years recently died tragically. They were 27, 55, and 62. Here one day, gone the next. Living and then dying. It has really provoked me to live. I mean really live. To live life to the fullest, to let my family and friends the see the life in me. So what does it look like to have life? Not just to espouse some loosely pie-in-the sky kinda of life, or using token phrases like “Earth is not my home”, or “ Heaven is my home”. I find the latter phrase interesting. Most of us, and probably all of us reading that statement have never been to Heaven. Is that where life really starts? Is that when life really begins?
I’m on a journey now to really learn to live, to love, and give life to people. Wasn’t that what Jesus did? I mean, He did it! Literally, the Life-giver. He even said that He was “Life”. To be the Life don’t you have to live?
Of all the Gospels, John has my attention. In fact, I’ve been reading 2nd and 3rd John every day since New Year’s day. John was a life fanatic, John saw life,and he saw it in Jesus. In fact, he mentions in 1st John 1 that he handled and touched life.
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life, the life was manifested...”
The life was manifested! The life was manifested. What does it mean to manifest life? (To be continued next edition)